This accreditation ensures that testing laboratories have the competence to carry out tests, including sampling. It covers technical aspects and the management system which guarantees the quality of their processes and results.
Similar to testing laboratories, this accreditation confirms that calibration laboratories operate competently and generate valid results, thereby promoting confidence in their calibration certificates.
This standard specifies requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of management systems. It ensures that such bodies are impartial and competent to undertake certification processes.
This accreditation focuses on the quality and competence of medical laboratories. It ensures that these laboratories are equipped to carry out medical testing at the highest standards.
This standard provides requirements for the competence, impartiality, and consistent operation of biobanks, which include the collection, storage, and research use of biological materials.
This accreditation certifies that inspection bodies are impartial and competent to perform inspections according to the applicable standards.
This accreditation ensures that bodies responsible for certifying products, processes, and services are competent and unbiased.
This accreditation standard specifies requirements for the operation of certification bodies that certify persons against specific requirements.
This standard sets the criteria for bodies performing validation and verification of environmental information, ensuring their competence and reliability.
This program aims to accredit laboratories that are focused on research and development, ensuring their operations and results meet set standards of quality and integrity.
This program certifies products, services, or establishments to assure consumers that what they are purchasing meets established vegan standards.
This specific accreditation pertains to laboratories in Florida that perform impact testing TAS satandarts, crucial for assessing materials and structures’ ability to withstand impacts in scenarios such as hurricanes.